Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A baby's arm holding an apple!

We went to SeaWorld this past weekend. Twas fun as usual, although excessively crowded and hot. Guess we forgot it was the middle of summer in tourist-town Orlando. Oops! :)

Anyway...watched the Dolphin show, Photobucket

cuz it is Rae's fav, and Jen had never seen it. And of course, it was amazing as usual. And the divers all had hot packs. Then they went to get their free beer!! Which is basically the best thing about going to SeaWorld. While there, (and for reasons that shall remain secret at this point), Jen's Boyfriend Daniel started talking about how his friend Roger (names have been changed to protect the guilty) has a penis thats like a baby's arm holding an apple. Hysterical, it became the joke of the entire day having us So randomly we'd blurt out statements that related back to a baby arm holding an apple, But the best part of the day was when we saw this: Photobucket

Thats right its a Baby holding an apple!

Some how the combination of Free beer and crazy Pizza and fun Hats is always a good combination. so we had to play with them and try them on:




Why was their a Random HUGE barbie ontop of a Stroller?


Not the most adventurous day at the park however, we were able to take some fun pics, and make it a very lovely inside joke day.
*Note to Selves the Summer is Always Crowded and hot in Orlando at Theme Parks.

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