Thursday, August 7, 2008

handbags and beer

Sooo...the other day we got an urge to make purses out of old t-shirts and material. Yes, purses. Like, use patterns, cut the material, and sew it ourselves. Now, if you know us, you know we are pretty good at crafty stuff, but purses out of old t-shirts might just be on a higher level haha. Anyway, so we went to Wal-Mart to buy the patterns and thread and just random stuff to make them. But by the time we got home (in true Rachael and Jennie fashion) we were semi-over the idea for the day. It was still fun, though, and is definitely a project that will be continued later! :)

Then that night was Trehy's 21st bday celebration, so we went downtown to Wall St. to celebrate the festivities! Ended up getting there really late, so all the free parking was of course gone. Then we realized we didnt have any cash, so we drove over to the giant Bank of America downtown to find the ATM, which btw, is extremely hard to find on that dang building. In the parking garage there were 2 spots right next to each other amazingly, so Jennie parked in one spot and then there was a car in between her and Rachael, so Jen tried to stand in the spot next to her car to save it for Rachael, but those other douche bags took the spot even though Jen told them she was saving it. Sooo, Rae had to go park on the next level up (which she was NOT happy about cuz she was already in a bad mood and didnt wanna have to walk by herself later and get raped). Well, if you know Rae, you can prob picture her doing this: walking down to Jen's car and then basically congratulating him on "winning the asshole of the night award." Very funny and true story hahaha. Got to Wall St. pretty late but still had a blast. Did a little drinking, and then a little dancing. And a little being scared of this one creepy guy that wouldnt stop starting lol. We had a blast!


I found this photo...

The first Day Rachael and Jennie met... awwwww...


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A baby's arm holding an apple!

We went to SeaWorld this past weekend. Twas fun as usual, although excessively crowded and hot. Guess we forgot it was the middle of summer in tourist-town Orlando. Oops! :)

Anyway...watched the Dolphin show, Photobucket

cuz it is Rae's fav, and Jen had never seen it. And of course, it was amazing as usual. And the divers all had hot packs. Then they went to get their free beer!! Which is basically the best thing about going to SeaWorld. While there, (and for reasons that shall remain secret at this point), Jen's Boyfriend Daniel started talking about how his friend Roger (names have been changed to protect the guilty) has a penis thats like a baby's arm holding an apple. Hysterical, it became the joke of the entire day having us So randomly we'd blurt out statements that related back to a baby arm holding an apple, But the best part of the day was when we saw this: Photobucket

Thats right its a Baby holding an apple!

Some how the combination of Free beer and crazy Pizza and fun Hats is always a good combination. so we had to play with them and try them on:




Why was their a Random HUGE barbie ontop of a Stroller?


Not the most adventurous day at the park however, we were able to take some fun pics, and make it a very lovely inside joke day.
*Note to Selves the Summer is Always Crowded and hot in Orlando at Theme Parks.

We got with your Mummy and she liked it

We like to do things Cheap in Orlando, so when we heard there was going to be a Free Screening of the Mummy 3 we were all about watching Brendan Fraser and his hotness.
Rachael and Jennie decided they were going to meet at Universal at like 4:30 to ensure adequate time for ticket distribution. Jennie had accidentally forgotten her pass, so Rachael waited in line for the tickets to the first 400 people. However, they were only giving tickets to actual people in line and would not give Rachael the extra one for a "guest" since Jen was stuck trying to get in the park. Luckily Rae had made friends with these two gays in line, and they got extra tickets and gave one to her.

Jennie's adventure of forgetting her pass: Coming straight from work, and forgotting my Annual pass at home I Nervously told the parking attendant that I had forgotten my pass. She was nice about it and just had me sign a paper and still let me park for free. After getting a great spot I went straight to Universal’s guest Services. After waiting in line for literally an hour I finally got to the window, apparently people forget/lose their passes quite often so he was very nice about the situation, because it was my first time he waved the $10 fee and gave me a new pass and I met up with Rachael in the Candy shop. Those Cherry Coke Flavored Gummies are so good!

We really had no real plans to go on rides, so we just walked around the park for a little bit. We decided to go take a picture by the Mummy ride, since we were going to talk about our entire experience. We had Andrew, (a guy who worked at the mummy ride), Who we quickly befriended and took us the So we went through the back way and skipping the long line and getting on the Mummy Ride right away. Besides getting seated next to a screaming teenage girl, It was fun as always. After the ride we went to get some TCBY. Didn’t finish it, but it was good. Then it was time to go in and grab our seats for The Mummy.
The theater was getting full but we found a seat in the very back row. We couldn’t figure out where this Michael Jackson music was loudly playing from, and we finally figured out this man (whom we lovingly refer to as "Music Man") to our left must have just bought the new Chocolate phone, and was playing music from his pocket. Granted it didn’t bother us at first, but when it didn’t stop, we were thinking “Really?? Can you be More annoying?” At one point the movie theater workers needed to make an announcement so everyone got quiet, and music man turned his music louder!
The movie was Amazingly Horrible! ---like Snakes on a plane amazing but not even trying to be funny! It was just semi sad. The best part of the entire movie was the Harry Potter Trailer in the previews. Granted it did have its moments like there was a part where O’Connell and his son were talking about their “Guns”. No wait... That was the only good moment. And apparently when an emporer turns immortal he becomes a 3 headed dragon --seriously? really?
If you can't wait to see a disappointing movie this summer, we highly recommend seeing The Mummy 3!

Over and out.

Friday, August 1, 2008

First Post!!!

This is Jen from Raejen! I'm so excited about our new Blog! Rae and I always say that we need to document our happenings and we finally are. Eventually we'd like to set up our own youtube with video blogs, but since neither of us have a camcorder, this will be fine.

So lets start with a little introduction and background about us; Rachael (Right- Brown Hair) and Jennie (Left- Blond Hair) met while attending the University of Central Florida through the Fraternity (...sorority) Kappa Kappa Gamma. Some miraculous outside force told Rachael to attend a New Member Lunch, where she met me. I needed a job like woah, and asked if she knew of anywhere that was hiring. After learning Universal (where she worked at the time) was hiring for Halloween Horror Nights, our first adventure was going to the HR department at Universal to find me a job. ..................I ended up working at Lindt Chocolate at the Millenia mall instead, but at least we started to hang out, and basically with a lot of crazy antics thrown in the rest is history.

In this blog we plan to do reviews, show our experiences, and try to get the general public to understand the way we think. Enjoy!